- addOverride
void addOverride(LocalPackageType scope_, string package_, Dependency version_spec, Version target)
void addOverride(LocalPackageType scope_, string package_, Dependency version_spec, Path target)
Adds a new override for the given package.
- addSearchPath
void addSearchPath(Path path, LocalPackageType type)
For the given type add another path where packages will be looked up.
- getBestPackage
Package getBestPackage(string name, Dependency version_spec, bool enable_overrides = true)
Package getBestPackage(string name, string version_spec)
Searches for the latest version of a package matching the given dependency.
- getFirstPackage
Package getFirstPackage(string name)
Looks up the first package matching the given name.
- getOverrides
const(PackageOverride)[] getOverrides(LocalPackageType scope_)
Returns a list of all package overrides for the given scope.
- getPackage
Package getPackage(string name, Version ver, bool enable_overrides = true)
Package getPackage(string name, string ver, bool enable_overrides = true)
Package getPackage(string name, Version ver, Path path)
Package getPackage(string name, string ver, Path path)
Package getPackage(string name, Path path)
Looks up a specific package.
- hashPackage
Hash hashPackage(Package pack)
Generates a hash value for a given package.
Some files or folders are ignored during the generation (like .dub and
.svn folders)
- isManagedPackage
bool isManagedPackage(Package pack)
Determines if a package is managed by DUB.
- remove
void remove(in Package pack, bool force_remove)
Removes the given the package.
- removeOverride
void removeOverride(LocalPackageType scope_, string package_, Dependency version_spec)
Removes an existing package override.
- removeSearchPath
void removeSearchPath(Path path, LocalPackageType type)
Removes a search path from the given type.
- storeFetchedPackage
Package storeFetchedPackage(Path zip_file_path, Json package_info, Path destination)
Extracts the package supplied as a path to it's zip file to the
destination and sets a version field in the package description.
The PackageManager can retrieve present packages and get / remove packages.