1 /**
2 	Representing a full project, with a root Package and several dependencies.
4 	Copyright: © 2012-2013 Matthias Dondorff
5 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
6 	Authors: Matthias Dondorff, Sönke Ludwig
7 */
8 module dub.project;
10 import dub.compilers.compiler;
11 import dub.dependency;
12 import dub.description;
13 import dub.internal.utils;
14 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.file;
15 import dub.internal.vibecompat.core.log;
16 import dub.internal.vibecompat.data.json;
17 import dub.internal.vibecompat.inet.url;
18 import dub.package_;
19 import dub.packagemanager;
20 import dub.packagesupplier;
21 import dub.generators.generator;
24 // todo: cleanup imports.
25 import std.algorithm;
26 import std.array;
27 import std.conv;
28 import std.datetime;
29 import std.exception;
30 import std.file;
31 import std.process;
32 import std..string;
33 import std.typecons;
34 import std.zip;
35 import std.encoding : sanitize;
37 /// Representing a full project, with a root Package and several dependencies.
38 class Project {
39 	private {
40 		PackageManager m_packageManager;
41 		Json m_packageSettings;
42 		Package m_rootPackage;
43 		Package[] m_dependencies;
44 		Package[][Package] m_dependees;
45 		SelectedVersions m_selections;
46 	}
48 	this(PackageManager package_manager, Path project_path)
49 	{
50 		Package pack;
51 		auto packageFile = Package.findPackageFile(project_path);
52 		if (packageFile.empty) {
53 			logWarn("There was no package description found for the application in '%s'.", project_path.toNativeString());
54 			pack = new Package(null, project_path);
55 		} else {
56 			pack = package_manager.getOrLoadPackage(project_path, packageFile);
57 		}
59 		this(package_manager, pack);
60 	}
62 	this(PackageManager package_manager, Package pack)
63 	{
64 		m_packageManager = package_manager;
65 		m_rootPackage = pack;
66 		m_packageSettings = Json.emptyObject;
68 		try m_packageSettings = jsonFromFile(m_rootPackage.path ~ ".dub/dub.json", true);
69 		catch(Exception t) logDiagnostic("Failed to read .dub/dub.json: %s", t.msg);
71 		auto selverfile = m_rootPackage.path ~ SelectedVersions.defaultFile;
72 		if (existsFile(selverfile)) {
73 			try m_selections = new SelectedVersions(selverfile);
74 			catch(Exception e) {
75 				logDiagnostic("A " ~ SelectedVersions.defaultFile ~ " file was not found or failed to load:\n%s", e.msg);
76 				m_selections = new SelectedVersions;
77 			}
78 		} else m_selections = new SelectedVersions;
80 		reinit();
81 	}
83 	/// Gathers information
84 	@property string info()
85 	const {
86 		if(!m_rootPackage)
87 			return "-Unrecognized application in '"~m_rootPackage.path.toNativeString()~"' (probably no dub.json in this directory)";
88 		string s = "-Application identifier: " ~ m_rootPackage.name;
89 		s ~= "\n" ~ m_rootPackage.generateInfoString();
90 		s ~= "\n-Retrieved dependencies:";
91 		foreach(p; m_dependencies)
92 			s ~= "\n" ~ p.generateInfoString();
93 		return s;
94 	}
96 	/// Gets all retrieved packages as a "packageId" = "version" associative array
97 	@property string[string] cachedPackagesIDs() const {
98 		string[string] pkgs;
99 		foreach(p; m_dependencies)
100 			pkgs[p.name] = p.vers;
101 		return pkgs;
102 	}
104 	/// List of retrieved dependency Packages
105 	@property const(Package[]) dependencies() const { return m_dependencies; }
107 	/// Main package.
108 	@property inout(Package) rootPackage() inout { return m_rootPackage; }
110 	/// The versions to use for all dependencies. Call reinit() after changing these.
111 	@property inout(SelectedVersions) selections() inout { return m_selections; }
113 	/// Package manager instance used by the project.
114 	@property inout(PackageManager) packageManager() inout { return m_packageManager; }
116 	/** Allows iteration of the dependency tree in topological order
117 	*/
118 	int delegate(int delegate(ref const Package)) getTopologicalPackageList(bool children_first = false, in Package root_package = null, string[string] configs = null)
119 	const {
120 		const(Package) rootpack = root_package ? root_package : m_rootPackage;
122 		int iterator(int delegate(ref const Package) del)
123 		{
124 			int ret = 0;
125 			bool[const(Package)] visited;
126 			void perform_rec(in Package p){
127 				if( p in visited ) return;
128 				visited[p] = true;
130 				if( !children_first ){
131 					ret = del(p);
132 					if( ret ) return;
133 				}
135 				auto cfg = configs.get(p.name, null);
137 				foreach (dn, dv; p.dependencies) {
138 					// filter out dependencies not in the current configuration set
139 					if (!p.hasDependency(dn, cfg)) continue;
140 					auto dependency = getDependency(dn, dv.optional);
141 					if(dependency) perform_rec(dependency);
142 					if( ret ) return;
143 				}
145 				if( children_first ){
146 					ret = del(p);
147 					if( ret ) return;
148 				}
149 			}
150 			perform_rec(rootpack);
151 			return ret;
152 		}
154 		return &iterator;
155 	}
157 	inout(Package) getDependency(string name, bool isOptional)
158 	inout {
159 		foreach(dp; m_dependencies)
160 			if( dp.name == name )
161 				return dp;
162 		if(!isOptional) throw new Exception("Unknown dependency: "~name);
163 		else return null;
164 	}
166 	string getDefaultConfiguration(BuildPlatform platform, bool allow_non_library_configs = true)
167 	const {
168 		auto cfgs = getPackageConfigs(platform, null, allow_non_library_configs);
169 		return cfgs[m_rootPackage.name];
170 	}
172 	void validate()
173 	{
174 		// some basic package lint
175 		m_rootPackage.warnOnSpecialCompilerFlags();
176 		if (m_rootPackage.name != m_rootPackage.name.toLower()) {
177 			logWarn(`WARNING: DUB package names should always be lower case, please change `
178 				~ `to {"name": "%s"}. You can use {"targetName": "%s"} to keep the current `
179 				~ `executable name.`,
180 				m_rootPackage.name.toLower(), m_rootPackage.name);
181 		} else if (!m_rootPackage.info.name.all!(ch => ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '-' || ch == '_')) {
182 			logWarn(`WARNING: DUB package names may only contain alphanumeric characters, `
183 				~ `as well as '-' and '_', please modify the "name" field in %s `
184 				~ `accordingly. You can use {"targetName": "%s"} to keep the current `
185 				~ `executable name.`,
186 				m_rootPackage.packageInfoFilename.toNativeString(), m_rootPackage.name);
187 		}
188 		enforce(!m_rootPackage.name.canFind(' '), "Aborting due to the package name containing spaces.");
190 		foreach (dn, ds; m_rootPackage.dependencies)
191 			if (ds.isExactVersion && ds.version_.isBranch) {
192 				logWarn("WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used "
193 					~ "for the dependency %s. Please use numbered versions instead. Also "
194 					~ "note that you can still use the %s file to override a certain "
195 					~ "dependency to use a branch instead.",
196 					dn, SelectedVersions.defaultFile);
197 			}
199 		bool[string] visited;
200 		void validateDependenciesRec(Package pack) {
201 			foreach (name, vspec_; pack.dependencies) {
202 				if (name in visited) continue;
203 				visited[name] = true;
205 				auto basename = getBasePackageName(name);
206 				if (m_selections.hasSelectedVersion(basename)) {
207 					auto selver = m_selections.getSelectedVersion(basename);
208 					if (vspec_.merge(selver) == Dependency.invalid) {
209 						logWarn("Selected package %s %s does not match the dependency specification %s in package %s. Need to \"dub upgrade\"?",
210 							basename, selver, vspec_, pack.name);
211 					}
212 				}
214 				auto deppack = getDependency(name, true);
215 				if (deppack) validateDependenciesRec(deppack);
216 			}
217 		}
218 		validateDependenciesRec(m_rootPackage);
219 	}
221 	/// Rereads the applications state.
222 	void reinit()
223 	{
224 		m_dependencies = null;
225 		m_packageManager.refresh(false);
227 		void collectDependenciesRec(Package pack)
228 		{
229 			logDebug("Collecting dependencies for %s", pack.name);
230 			foreach (name, vspec_; pack.dependencies) {
231 				Dependency vspec = vspec_;
232 				Package p;
233 				if (!vspec.path.empty) {
234 					Path path = vspec.path;
235 					if (!path.absolute) path = pack.path ~ path;
236 					logDiagnostic("Adding local %s", path);
237 					p = m_packageManager.getOrLoadPackage(path);
238 					if (name.canFind(':')) p = m_packageManager.getSubPackage(p, getSubPackageName(name), false);
239 					enforce(p.name == name,
240 						format("Path based dependency %s is referenced with a wrong name: %s vs. %s",
241 							path.toNativeString(), name, p.name));
242 				}
244 				if (!p) {
245 					auto basename = getBasePackageName(name);
246 					if (name == m_rootPackage.basePackage.name) {
247 						vspec = Dependency(m_rootPackage.ver);
248 						p = m_rootPackage.basePackage;
249 					} else if (basename == m_rootPackage.basePackage.name) {
250 						vspec = Dependency(m_rootPackage.ver);
251 						try p = m_packageManager.getSubPackage(m_rootPackage.basePackage, getSubPackageName(name), false);
252 						catch (Exception e) {
253 							logDiagnostic("Error getting sub package %s: %s", name, e.msg);
254 							continue;
255 						}
256 					} else if (m_selections.hasSelectedVersion(basename)) {
257 						vspec = m_selections.getSelectedVersion(basename);
258 						p = m_packageManager.getBestPackage(name, vspec);
259 					} else if (m_dependencies.canFind!(d => getBasePackageName(d.name) == basename)) {
260 						auto idx = m_dependencies.countUntil!(d => getBasePackageName(d.name) == basename);
261 						auto bp = m_dependencies[idx].basePackage;
262 						vspec = Dependency(bp.path);
263 						p = m_packageManager.getSubPackage(bp, getSubPackageName(name), false);
264 					} else {
265 						logDiagnostic("Version selection for dependency %s (%s) of %s is missing.",
266 							basename, name, pack.name);
267 						continue;
268 					}
269 				}
271 				if (!p) {
272 					logDiagnostic("Missing dependency %s %s of %s", name, vspec, pack.name);
273 					continue;
274 				}
276 				if (!m_dependencies.canFind(p)) {
277 					logDiagnostic("Found dependency %s %s", name, vspec.toString());
278 					m_dependencies ~= p;
279 					p.warnOnSpecialCompilerFlags();
280 					collectDependenciesRec(p);
281 				}
283 				m_dependees[p] ~= pack;
284 				//enforce(p !is null, "Failed to resolve dependency "~name~" "~vspec.toString());
285 			}
286 		}
287 		collectDependenciesRec(m_rootPackage);
288 	}
290 	/// Returns the applications name.
291 	@property string name() const { return m_rootPackage ? m_rootPackage.name : "app"; }
293 	@property string[] configurations() const { return m_rootPackage.configurations; }
295 	/// Returns a map with the configuration for all packages in the dependency tree.
296 	string[string] getPackageConfigs(in BuildPlatform platform, string config, bool allow_non_library = true)
297 	const {
298 		struct Vertex { string pack, config; }
299 		struct Edge { size_t from, to; }
301 		Vertex[] configs;
302 		Edge[] edges;
303 		string[][string] parents;
304 		parents[m_rootPackage.name] = null;
305 		foreach (p; getTopologicalPackageList())
306 			foreach (d; p.dependencies.byKey)
307 				parents[d] ~= p.name;
310 		size_t createConfig(string pack, string config) {
311 			foreach (i, v; configs)
312 				if (v.pack == pack && v.config == config)
313 					return i;
314 			logDebug("Add config %s %s", pack, config);
315 			configs ~= Vertex(pack, config);
316 			return configs.length-1;
317 		}
319 		bool haveConfig(string pack, string config) {
320 			return configs.any!(c => c.pack == pack && c.config == config);
321 		}
323 		size_t createEdge(size_t from, size_t to) {
324 			auto idx = edges.countUntil(Edge(from, to));
325 			if (idx >= 0) return idx;
326 			logDebug("Including %s %s -> %s %s", configs[from].pack, configs[from].config, configs[to].pack, configs[to].config);
327 			edges ~= Edge(from, to);
328 			return edges.length-1;
329 		}
331 		void removeConfig(size_t i) {
332 			logDebug("Eliminating config %s for %s", configs[i].config, configs[i].pack);
333 			configs = configs.remove(i);
334 			edges = edges.filter!(e => e.from != i && e.to != i).array();
335 			foreach (ref e; edges) {
336 				if (e.from > i) e.from--;
337 				if (e.to > i) e.to--;
338 			}
339 		}
341 		bool isReachable(string pack, string conf) {
342 			if (pack == configs[0].pack && configs[0].config == conf) return true;
343 			foreach (e; edges)
344 				if (configs[e.to].pack == pack && configs[e.to].config == conf)
345 					return true;
346 			return false;
347 			//return (pack == configs[0].pack && conf == configs[0].config) || edges.canFind!(e => configs[e.to].pack == pack && configs[e.to].config == config);
348 		}
350 		bool isReachableByAllParentPacks(size_t cidx) {
351 			bool[string] r;
352 			foreach (p; parents[configs[cidx].pack]) r[p] = false;
353 			foreach (e; edges) {
354 				if (e.to != cidx) continue;
355 				if (auto pp = configs[e.from].pack in r) *pp = true;
356 			}
357 			foreach (bool v; r) if (!v) return false;
358 			return true;
359 		}
361 		string[] allconfigs_path;
362 		// create a graph of all possible package configurations (package, config) -> (subpackage, subconfig)
363 		void determineAllConfigs(in Package p)
364 		{
365 			auto idx = allconfigs_path.countUntil(p.name);
366 			enforce(idx < 0, format("Detected dependency cycle: %s", (allconfigs_path[idx .. $] ~ p.name).join("->")));
367 			allconfigs_path ~= p.name;
368 			scope (exit) allconfigs_path.length--;
370 			// first, add all dependency configurations
371 			foreach (dn; p.dependencies.byKey) {
372 				auto dp = getDependency(dn, true);
373 				if (!dp) continue;
374 				determineAllConfigs(dp);
375 			}
377 			// for each configuration, determine the configurations usable for the dependencies
378 			outer: foreach (c; p.getPlatformConfigurations(platform, p is m_rootPackage && allow_non_library)) {
379 				string[][string] depconfigs;
380 				foreach (dn; p.dependencies.byKey) {
381 					auto dp = getDependency(dn, true);
382 					if (!dp) continue;
384 					string[] cfgs;
385 					auto subconf = p.getSubConfiguration(c, dp, platform);
386 					if (!subconf.empty) cfgs = [subconf];
387 					else cfgs = dp.getPlatformConfigurations(platform);
388 					cfgs = cfgs.filter!(c => haveConfig(dn, c)).array;
390 					// if no valid configuration was found for a dependency, don't include the
391 					// current configuration
392 					if (!cfgs.length) {
393 						logDebug("Skip %s %s (missing configuration for %s)", p.name, c, dp.name);
394 						continue outer;
395 					}
396 					depconfigs[dn] = cfgs;
397 				}
399 				// add this configuration to the graph
400 				size_t cidx = createConfig(p.name, c);
401 				foreach (dn; p.dependencies.byKey)
402 					foreach (sc; depconfigs.get(dn, null))
403 						createEdge(cidx, createConfig(dn, sc));
404 			}
405 		}
406 		if (config.length) createConfig(m_rootPackage.name, config);
407 		determineAllConfigs(m_rootPackage);
409 		// successively remove configurations until only one configuration per package is left
410 		bool changed;
411 		do {
412 			// remove all configs that are not reachable by all parent packages
413 			changed = false;
414 			for (size_t i = 0; i < configs.length; ) {
415 				if (!isReachableByAllParentPacks(i)) {
416 					logDebug("NOT REACHABLE by (%s):", parents[configs[i].pack]);
417 					removeConfig(i);
418 					changed = true;
419 				} else i++;
420 			}
422 			// when all edges are cleaned up, pick one package and remove all but one config
423 			if (!changed) {
424 				foreach (p; getTopologicalPackageList()) {
425 					size_t cnt = 0;
426 					for (size_t i = 0; i < configs.length; ) {
427 						if (configs[i].pack == p.name) {
428 							if (++cnt > 1) {
429 								logDebug("NON-PRIMARY:");
430 								removeConfig(i);
431 							} else i++;
432 						} else i++;
433 					}
434 					if (cnt > 1) {
435 						changed = true;
436 						break;
437 					}
438 				}
439 			}
440 		} while (changed);
442 		// print out the resulting tree
443 		foreach (e; edges) logDebug("    %s %s -> %s %s", configs[e.from].pack, configs[e.from].config, configs[e.to].pack, configs[e.to].config);
445 		// return the resulting configuration set as an AA
446 		string[string] ret;
447 		foreach (c; configs) {
448 			assert(ret.get(c.pack, c.config) == c.config, format("Conflicting configurations for %s found: %s vs. %s", c.pack, c.config, ret[c.pack]));
449 			logDebug("Using configuration '%s' for %s", c.config, c.pack);
450 			ret[c.pack] = c.config;
451 		}
453 		// check for conflicts (packages missing in the final configuration graph)
454 		void checkPacksRec(in Package pack) {
455 			auto pc = pack.name in ret;
456 			enforce(pc !is null, "Could not resolve configuration for package "~pack.name);
457 			foreach (p, dep; pack.getDependencies(*pc)) {
458 				auto deppack = getDependency(p, dep.optional);
459 				if (deppack) checkPacksRec(deppack);
460 			}
461 		}
462 		checkPacksRec(m_rootPackage);
464 		return ret;
465 	}
467 	/**
468 	 * Fills dst with values from this project.
469 	 *
470 	 * dst gets initialized according to the given platform and config.
471 	 *
472 	 * Params:
473 	 *   dst = The BuildSettings struct to fill with data.
474 	 *   platform = The platform to retrieve the values for.
475 	 *   config = Values of the given configuration will be retrieved.
476 	 *   root_package = If non null, use it instead of the project's real root package.
477 	 *   shallow = If true, collects only build settings for the main package (including inherited settings) and doesn't stop on target type none and sourceLibrary.
478 	 */
479 	void addBuildSettings(ref BuildSettings dst, in BuildPlatform platform, string config, in Package root_package = null, bool shallow = false)
480 	const {
481 		auto configs = getPackageConfigs(platform, config);
483 		foreach (pkg; this.getTopologicalPackageList(false, root_package, configs)) {
484 			auto pkg_path = pkg.path.toNativeString();
485 			dst.addVersions(["Have_" ~ stripDlangSpecialChars(pkg.name)]);
487 			assert(pkg.name in configs, "Missing configuration for "~pkg.name);
488 			logDebug("Gathering build settings for %s (%s)", pkg.name, configs[pkg.name]);
490 			auto psettings = pkg.getBuildSettings(platform, configs[pkg.name]);
491 			if (psettings.targetType != TargetType.none) {
492 				if (shallow && pkg !is m_rootPackage)
493 					psettings.sourceFiles = null;
494 				processVars(dst, this, pkg, psettings);
495 				if (psettings.importPaths.empty)
496 					logWarn(`Package %s (configuration "%s") defines no import paths, use {"importPaths": [...]} or the default package directory structure to fix this.`, pkg.name, configs[pkg.name]);
497 				if (psettings.mainSourceFile.empty && pkg is m_rootPackage && psettings.targetType == TargetType.executable)
498 					logWarn(`Executable configuration "%s" of package %s defines no main source file, this may cause certain build modes to fail. Add an explicit "mainSourceFile" to the package description to fix this.`, configs[pkg.name], pkg.name);
499 			}
500 			if (pkg is m_rootPackage) {
501 				if (!shallow) {
502 					enforce(psettings.targetType != TargetType.none, "Main package has target type \"none\" - stopping build.");
503 					enforce(psettings.targetType != TargetType.sourceLibrary, "Main package has target type \"sourceLibrary\" which generates no target - stopping build.");
504 				}
505 				dst.targetType = psettings.targetType;
506 				dst.targetPath = psettings.targetPath;
507 				dst.targetName = psettings.targetName;
508 				if (!psettings.workingDirectory.empty)
509 					dst.workingDirectory = processVars(psettings.workingDirectory, this, pkg, true);
510 				if (psettings.mainSourceFile.length)
511 					dst.mainSourceFile = processVars(psettings.mainSourceFile, this, pkg, true);
512 			}
513 		}
515 		// always add all version identifiers of all packages
516 		foreach (pkg; this.getTopologicalPackageList(false, null, configs)) {
517 			auto psettings = pkg.getBuildSettings(platform, configs[pkg.name]);
518 			dst.addVersions(psettings.versions);
519 		}
520 	}
522 	void addBuildTypeSettings(ref BuildSettings dst, in BuildPlatform platform, string build_type)
523 	{
524 		bool usedefflags = !(dst.requirements & BuildRequirement.noDefaultFlags);
525 		if (usedefflags) {
526 			BuildSettings btsettings;
527 			m_rootPackage.addBuildTypeSettings(btsettings, platform, build_type);
528 			processVars(dst, this, m_rootPackage, btsettings);
529 		}
530 	}
532 	/// Determines if the given dependency is already indirectly referenced by other dependencies of pack.
533 	bool isRedundantDependency(in Package pack, in Package dependency)
534 	const {
535 		foreach (dep; pack.dependencies.byKey) {
536 			auto dp = getDependency(dep, true);
537 			if (!dp) continue;
538 			if (dp is dependency) continue;
539 			foreach (ddp; getTopologicalPackageList(false, dp))
540 				if (ddp is dependency) return true;
541 		}
542 		return false;
543 	}
545 	/*bool iterateDependencies(bool delegate(Package pack, string dep_name, Dependency dep_spec) del)
546 	{
547 		bool all_found = true;
549 		bool[string] visited;
550 		void iterate(Package pack)
551 		{
552 			if (pack.name in visited) return;
553 			visited[pack.name] = true;
555 			foreach (dn, ds; pack.dependencies) {
556 				auto dep = del(pack, dn, ds);
557 				if (dep) iterateDependencies(dep);
558 				else all_found = false;
559 			}
560 		}
562 		return all_found;
563 	}*/
565 	/// Outputs a build description of the project, including its dependencies.
566 	ProjectDescription describe(BuildPlatform platform, string config, string build_type = null)
567 	{
568 		import dub.generators.targetdescription;
570 		// store basic build parameters
571 		ProjectDescription ret;
572 		ret.rootPackage = m_rootPackage.name;
573 		ret.configuration = config;
574 		ret.buildType = build_type;
575 		ret.compiler = platform.compiler;
576 		ret.architecture = platform.architecture;
577 		ret.platform = platform.platform;
579 		// collect high level information about projects (useful for IDE display)
580 		auto configs = getPackageConfigs(platform, config);
581 		ret.packages ~= m_rootPackage.describe(platform, config);
582 		foreach (dep; m_dependencies)
583 			ret.packages ~= dep.describe(platform, configs[dep.name]);
585 		if (build_type.length) {
586 			// collect build target information (useful for build tools)
587 			GeneratorSettings settings;
588 			settings.platform = platform;
589 			settings.compiler = getCompiler(platform.compilerBinary);
590 			settings.config = config;
591 			settings.buildType = build_type;
592 			auto gen = new TargetDescriptionGenerator(this);
593 			try {
594 				gen.generate(settings);
595 				ret.targets = gen.targetDescriptions;
596 				ret.targetLookup = gen.targetDescriptionLookup;
597 			} catch (Exception e) {
598 				logDiagnostic("Skipping targets description: %s", e.msg);
599 				logDebug("Full error: %s", e.toString().sanitize);
600 			}
601 		}
603 		return ret;
604 	}
605 	/// ditto
606 	deprecated void describe(ref Json dst, BuildPlatform platform, string config)
607 	{
608 		auto desc = describe(platform, config);
609 		foreach (string key, value; desc.serializeToJson())
610 			dst[key] = value;
611 	}
613 	private string[] listBuildSetting(string attributeName)(BuildPlatform platform,
614 		string config, ProjectDescription projectDescription, Compiler compiler, bool disableEscaping)
615 	{
616 		return listBuildSetting!attributeName(platform, getPackageConfigs(platform, config),
617 			projectDescription, compiler, disableEscaping);
618 	}
620 	private string[] listBuildSetting(string attributeName)(BuildPlatform platform,
621 		string[string] configs, ProjectDescription projectDescription, Compiler compiler, bool disableEscaping)
622 	{
623 		if (compiler)
624 			return formatBuildSettingCompiler!attributeName(platform, configs, projectDescription, compiler, disableEscaping);
625 		else
626 			return formatBuildSettingPlain!attributeName(platform, configs, projectDescription);
627 	}
629 	// Output a build setting formatted for a compiler
630 	private string[] formatBuildSettingCompiler(string attributeName)(BuildPlatform platform,
631 		string[string] configs, ProjectDescription projectDescription, Compiler compiler, bool disableEscaping)
632 	{
633 		import std.process : escapeShellFileName;
634 		import std.path : dirSeparator;
636 		assert(compiler);
638 		static BuildSetting getBuildSettingBitField(string requestedData)
639 		{
640 			switch (requestedData)
641 			{
642 			case "dflags":            return BuildSetting.dflags;
643 			case "lflags":            return BuildSetting.lflags;
644 			case "libs":              return BuildSetting.libs;
645 			case "sourceFiles":       return BuildSetting.sourceFiles;
646 			case "copyFiles":         return BuildSetting.copyFiles;
647 			case "versions":          return BuildSetting.versions;
648 			case "debugVersions":     return BuildSetting.debugVersions;
649 			case "importPaths":       return BuildSetting.importPaths;
650 			case "stringImportPaths": return BuildSetting.stringImportPaths;
651 			case "options":           return BuildSetting.options;
652 			default: assert(0);
653 			}
654 		}
656 		auto targetDescription = projectDescription.targetLookup[projectDescription.rootPackage];
657 		auto buildSettings = targetDescription.buildSettings;
659 		string[] values;
660 		switch (attributeName)
661 		{
662 		case "dflags":
663 		case "mainSourceFile":
664 		case "libFiles":
665 		case "importFiles":
666 			values = formatBuildSettingPlain!attributeName(platform, configs, projectDescription);
667 			break;
669 		case "lflags":
670 		case "sourceFiles":
671 		case "versions":
672 		case "debugVersions":
673 		case "importPaths":
674 		case "stringImportPaths":
675 		case "options":
676 			auto bs = buildSettings.dup;
677 			bs.dflags = null;
679 			// Ensure trailing slash on directory paths
680 			auto ensureTrailingSlash = (string path) => path.endsWith(dirSeparator) ? path : path ~ dirSeparator;
681 			static if (attributeName == "importPaths")
682 				bs.importPaths = bs.importPaths.map!(ensureTrailingSlash).array();
683 			else static if (attributeName == "stringImportPaths")
684 				bs.stringImportPaths = bs.stringImportPaths.map!(ensureTrailingSlash).array();
686 			compiler.prepareBuildSettings(bs, BuildSetting.all & ~getBuildSettingBitField(attributeName));
687 			values = bs.dflags;
688 			break;
690 		case "libs":
691 			auto bs = buildSettings.dup;
692 			bs.dflags = null;
693 			bs.lflags = null;
694 			bs.sourceFiles = null;
695 			bs.targetType = TargetType.none; // Force Compiler to NOT omit dependency libs when package is a library.
697 			compiler.prepareBuildSettings(bs, BuildSetting.all & ~getBuildSettingBitField(attributeName));
699 			if (bs.lflags)
700 				values = bs.lflags;
701 			else if (bs.sourceFiles)
702 				values = bs.sourceFiles;
703 			else
704 				values = bs.dflags;
706 			break;
708 		default: assert(0);
709 		}
711 		// Escape filenames and paths
712 		if(!disableEscaping)
713 		{
714 			switch (attributeName)
715 			{
716 			case "mainSourceFile":
717 			case "libFiles":
718 			case "copyFiles":
719 			case "importFiles":
720 			case "stringImportFiles":
721 			case "sourceFiles":
722 			case "importPaths":
723 			case "stringImportPaths":
724 				return values.map!(escapeShellFileName).array();
726 			default:
727 				return values;
728 			}
729 		}
731 		return values;
732 	}
734 	// Output a build setting without formatting for any particular compiler
735 	private string[] formatBuildSettingPlain(string attributeName)(BuildPlatform platform, string[string] configs, ProjectDescription projectDescription)
736 	{
737 		import std.path : buildPath, dirSeparator;
738 		import std.range : only;
740 		string[] list;
742 		auto targetDescription = projectDescription.targetLookup[projectDescription.rootPackage];
743 		auto buildSettings = targetDescription.buildSettings;
745 		// Return any BuildSetting member attributeName as a range of strings. Don't attempt to fixup values.
746 		// allowEmptyString: When the value is a string (as opposed to string[]),
747 		//                   is empty string an actual permitted value instead of
748 		//                   a missing value?
749 		auto getRawBuildSetting(Package pack, bool allowEmptyString) {
750 			auto value = __traits(getMember, buildSettings, attributeName);
752 			static if( is(typeof(value) == string[]) )
753 				return value;
754 			else static if( is(typeof(value) == string) )
755 			{
756 				auto ret = only(value);
758 				// only() has a different return type from only(value), so we
759 				// have to empty the range rather than just returning only().
760 				if(value.empty && !allowEmptyString) {
761 					ret.popFront();
762 					assert(ret.empty);
763 				}
765 				return ret;
766 			}
767 			else static if( is(typeof(value) == enum) )
768 				return only(value);
769 			else static if( is(typeof(value) == BuildRequirements) )
770 				return only(cast(BuildRequirement) cast(int) value.values);
771 			else static if( is(typeof(value) == BuildOptions) )
772 				return only(cast(BuildOption) cast(int) value.values);
773 			else
774 				static assert(false, "Type of BuildSettings."~attributeName~" is unsupported.");
775 		}
777 		// Adjust BuildSetting member attributeName as needed.
778 		// Returns a range of strings.
779 		auto getFixedBuildSetting(Package pack) {
780 			// Is relative path(s) to a directory?
781 			enum isRelativeDirectory =
782 				attributeName == "importPaths" || attributeName == "stringImportPaths" ||
783 				attributeName == "targetPath" || attributeName == "workingDirectory";
785 			// Is relative path(s) to a file?
786 			enum isRelativeFile =
787 				attributeName == "sourceFiles" || attributeName == "importFiles" ||
788 				attributeName == "stringImportFiles" || attributeName == "copyFiles" ||
789 				attributeName == "mainSourceFile";
791 			// For these, empty string means "main project directory", not "missing value"
792 			enum allowEmptyString =
793 				attributeName == "targetPath" || attributeName == "workingDirectory";
795 			enum isEnumBitfield =
796 				attributeName == "targetType" || attributeName == "requirements" ||
797 				attributeName == "options";
799 			auto values = getRawBuildSetting(pack, allowEmptyString);
800 			auto fixRelativePath = (string importPath) => buildPath(pack.path.toString(), importPath);
801 			auto ensureTrailingSlash = (string path) => path.endsWith(dirSeparator) ? path : path ~ dirSeparator;
803 			static if(isRelativeDirectory) {
804 				// Return full paths for the paths, making sure a
805 				// directory separator is on the end of each path.
806 				return values.map!(fixRelativePath).map!(ensureTrailingSlash);
807 			}
808 			else static if(isRelativeFile) {
809 				// Return full paths.
810 				return values.map!(fixRelativePath);
811 			}
812 			else static if(isEnumBitfield)
813 				return bitFieldNames(values.front);
814 			else
815 				return values;
816 		}
818 		foreach(value; getFixedBuildSetting(m_rootPackage)) {
819 			list ~= value;
820 		}
822 		return list;
823 	}
825 	// The "compiler" arg is for choosing which compiler the output should be formatted for,
826 	// or null to imply "list" format.
827 	private string[] listBuildSetting(BuildPlatform platform, string[string] configs,
828 		ProjectDescription projectDescription, string requestedData, Compiler compiler, bool disableEscaping)
829 	{
830 		// Certain data cannot be formatter for a compiler
831 		if (compiler)
832 		{
833 			switch (requestedData)
834 			{
835 			case "target-type":
836 			case "target-path":
837 			case "target-name":
838 			case "working-directory":
839 			case "string-import-files":
840 			case "copy-files":
841 			case "pre-generate-commands":
842 			case "post-generate-commands":
843 			case "pre-build-commands":
844 			case "post-build-commands":
845 				enforce(false, "--data="~requestedData~" can only be used with --data-format=list.");
846 				break;
848 			case "requirements":
849 				enforce(false, "--data=requirements can only be used with --data-format=list. Use --data=options instead.");
850 				break;
852 			default: break;
853 			}
854 		}
856 		import std.typetuple : TypeTuple;
857 		auto args = TypeTuple!(platform, configs, projectDescription, compiler, disableEscaping);
858 		switch (requestedData)
859 		{
860 		case "target-type":            return listBuildSetting!"targetType"(args);
861 		case "target-path":            return listBuildSetting!"targetPath"(args);
862 		case "target-name":            return listBuildSetting!"targetName"(args);
863 		case "working-directory":      return listBuildSetting!"workingDirectory"(args);
864 		case "main-source-file":       return listBuildSetting!"mainSourceFile"(args);
865 		case "dflags":                 return listBuildSetting!"dflags"(args);
866 		case "lflags":                 return listBuildSetting!"lflags"(args);
867 		case "libs":                   return listBuildSetting!"libs"(args);
868 		case "lib-files":              return listBuildSetting!"libFiles"(args);
869 		case "source-files":           return listBuildSetting!"sourceFiles"(args);
870 		case "copy-files":             return listBuildSetting!"copyFiles"(args);
871 		case "versions":               return listBuildSetting!"versions"(args);
872 		case "debug-versions":         return listBuildSetting!"debugVersions"(args);
873 		case "import-paths":           return listBuildSetting!"importPaths"(args);
874 		case "string-import-paths":    return listBuildSetting!"stringImportPaths"(args);
875 		case "import-files":           return listBuildSetting!"importFiles"(args);
876 		case "string-import-files":    return listBuildSetting!"stringImportFiles"(args);
877 		case "pre-generate-commands":  return listBuildSetting!"preGenerateCommands"(args);
878 		case "post-generate-commands": return listBuildSetting!"postGenerateCommands"(args);
879 		case "pre-build-commands":     return listBuildSetting!"preBuildCommands"(args);
880 		case "post-build-commands":    return listBuildSetting!"postBuildCommands"(args);
881 		case "requirements":           return listBuildSetting!"requirements"(args);
882 		case "options":                return listBuildSetting!"options"(args);
884 		default:
885 			enforce(false, "--data="~requestedData~
886 				" is not a valid option. See 'dub describe --help' for accepted --data= values.");
887 		}
889 		assert(0);
890 	}
892 	/// Outputs requested data for the project, optionally including its dependencies.
893 	string[] listBuildSettings(BuildPlatform platform, string config, string buildType,
894 		string[] requestedData, Compiler formattingCompiler, bool nullDelim)
895 	{
896 		auto projectDescription = describe(platform, config, buildType);
897 		auto configs = getPackageConfigs(platform, config);
899 		// Include link dependencies
900 		auto target = projectDescription.targetLookup[projectDescription.rootPackage];
901 		auto bs = target.buildSettings;
902 		foreach (ldep; target.linkDependencies) {
903 			auto dbs = projectDescription.targetLookup[ldep].buildSettings;
904 			if (bs.targetType != TargetType.staticLibrary) {
905 				bs.addLibFiles((Path(dbs.targetPath) ~ getTargetFileName(dbs, platform)).toNativeString());
906 			}
907 		}
908 		target.buildSettings = bs;
910 		// Update projectDescription.targets
911 		projectDescription.targetLookup[projectDescription.rootPackage] = target;
912 		foreach (ref t; projectDescription.targets) {
913 			if(t.rootPackage == target.rootPackage) {
914 				t = target;
915 				break;
916 			}
917 		}
919 		// Genrate results
920 		if (formattingCompiler)
921 		{
922 			// Format for a compiler
923 			return [
924 				requestedData
925 					.map!(dataName => listBuildSetting(platform, configs, projectDescription, dataName, formattingCompiler, nullDelim))
926 					.join().join(nullDelim? "\0" : " ")
927 			];
928 		}
929 		else
930 		{
931 			// Format list-style
932 			return requestedData
933 				.map!(dataName => listBuildSetting(platform, configs, projectDescription, dataName, null, nullDelim))
934 				.joiner([""]) // Blank entry between each type of requestedData
935 				.array();
936 		}
937 	}
939 	/// Outputs the import paths for the project, including its dependencies.
940 	string[] listImportPaths(BuildPlatform platform, string config, string buildType, bool nullDelim)
941 	{
942 		auto projectDescription = describe(platform, config, buildType);
943 		return listBuildSetting!"importPaths"(platform, config, projectDescription, null, nullDelim);
944 	}
946 	/// Outputs the string import paths for the project, including its dependencies.
947 	string[] listStringImportPaths(BuildPlatform platform, string config, string buildType, bool nullDelim)
948 	{
949 		auto projectDescription = describe(platform, config, buildType);
950 		return listBuildSetting!"stringImportPaths"(platform, config, projectDescription, null, nullDelim);
951 	}
953 	void saveSelections()
954 	{
955 		assert(m_selections !is null, "Cannot save selections for non-disk based project (has no selections).");
956 		if (m_selections.hasSelectedVersion(m_rootPackage.basePackage.name))
957 			m_selections.deselectVersion(m_rootPackage.basePackage.name);
959 		auto path = m_rootPackage.path ~ SelectedVersions.defaultFile;
960 		if (m_selections.dirty || !existsFile(path))
961 			m_selections.save(path);
962 	}
964 	bool isUpgradeCacheUpToDate()
965 	{
966 		try {
967 			auto datestr = m_packageSettings["dub"].opt!(Json[string]).get("lastUpgrade", Json("")).get!string;
968 			if (!datestr.length) return false;
969 			auto date = SysTime.fromISOExtString(datestr);
970 			if ((Clock.currTime() - date) > 1.days) return false;
971 			return true;
972 		} catch (Exception t) {
973 			logDebug("Failed to get the last upgrade time: %s", t.msg);
974 			return false;
975 		}
976 	}
978 	Dependency[string] getUpgradeCache()
979 	{
980 		try {
981 			Dependency[string] ret;
982 			foreach (string p, d; m_packageSettings["dub"].opt!(Json[string]).get("cachedUpgrades", Json.emptyObject))
983 				ret[p] = SelectedVersions.dependencyFromJson(d);
984 			return ret;
985 		} catch (Exception t) {
986 			logDebug("Failed to get cached upgrades: %s", t.msg);
987 			return null;
988 		}
989 	}
991 	void setUpgradeCache(Dependency[string] versions)
992 	{
993 		logDebug("markUpToDate");
994 		Json create(ref Json json, string object) {
995 			if (json[object].type == Json.Type.undefined) json[object] = Json.emptyObject;
996 			return json[object];
997 		}
998 		create(m_packageSettings, "dub");
999 		m_packageSettings["dub"]["lastUpgrade"] = Clock.currTime().toISOExtString();
1001 		create(m_packageSettings["dub"], "cachedUpgrades");
1002 		foreach (p, d; versions)
1003 			m_packageSettings["dub"]["cachedUpgrades"][p] = SelectedVersions.dependencyToJson(d);
1005 		writeDubJson();
1006 	}
1008 	private void writeDubJson() {
1009 		// don't bother to write an empty file
1010 		if( m_packageSettings.length == 0 ) return;
1012 		try {
1013 			logDebug("writeDubJson");
1014 			auto dubpath = m_rootPackage.path~".dub";
1015 			if( !exists(dubpath.toNativeString()) ) mkdir(dubpath.toNativeString());
1016 			auto dstFile = openFile((dubpath~"dub.json").toString(), FileMode.CreateTrunc);
1017 			scope(exit) dstFile.close();
1018 			dstFile.writePrettyJsonString(m_packageSettings);
1019 		} catch( Exception e ){
1020 			logWarn("Could not write .dub/dub.json.");
1021 		}
1022 	}
1023 }
1025 /// Actions to be performed by the dub
1026 struct Action {
1027 	enum Type {
1028 		fetch,
1029 		remove,
1030 		conflict,
1031 		failure
1032 	}
1034 	immutable {
1035 		Type type;
1036 		string packageId;
1037 		PlacementLocation location;
1038 		Dependency vers;
1039 		Version existingVersion;
1040 	}
1041 	const Package pack;
1042 	const Dependency[string] issuer;
1044 	static Action get(string pkg, PlacementLocation location, in Dependency dep, Dependency[string] context, Version old_version = Version.UNKNOWN)
1045 	{
1046 		return Action(Type.fetch, pkg, location, dep, context, old_version);
1047 	}
1049 	static Action remove(Package pkg, Dependency[string] context)
1050 	{
1051 		return Action(Type.remove, pkg, context);
1052 	}
1054 	static Action conflict(string pkg, in Dependency dep, Dependency[string] context)
1055 	{
1056 		return Action(Type.conflict, pkg, PlacementLocation.user, dep, context);
1057 	}
1059 	static Action failure(string pkg, in Dependency dep, Dependency[string] context)
1060 	{
1061 		return Action(Type.failure, pkg, PlacementLocation.user, dep, context);
1062 	}
1064 	private this(Type id, string pkg, PlacementLocation location, in Dependency d, Dependency[string] issue, Version existing_version = Version.UNKNOWN)
1065 	{
1066 		this.type = id;
1067 		this.packageId = pkg;
1068 		this.location = location;
1069 		this.vers = d;
1070 		this.issuer = issue;
1071 		this.existingVersion = existing_version;
1072 	}
1074 	private this(Type id, Package pkg, Dependency[string] issue)
1075 	{
1076 		pack = pkg;
1077 		type = id;
1078 		packageId = pkg.name;
1079 		vers = cast(immutable)Dependency(pkg.ver);
1080 		issuer = issue;
1081 	}
1083 	string toString() const {
1084 		return to!string(type) ~ ": " ~ packageId ~ ", " ~ to!string(vers);
1085 	}
1086 }
1089 /// Indicates where a package has been or should be placed to.
1090 enum PlacementLocation {
1091 	/// Packages retrived with 'local' will be placed in the current folder
1092 	/// using the package name as destination.
1093 	local,
1094 	/// Packages with 'userWide' will be placed in a folder accessible by
1095 	/// all of the applications from the current user.
1096 	user,
1097 	/// Packages retrieved with 'systemWide' will be placed in a shared folder,
1098 	/// which can be accessed by all users of the system.
1099 	system
1100 }
1102 /// The default placement location of fetched packages. Can be changed by --local or --system.
1103 auto defaultPlacementLocation = PlacementLocation.user;
1105 void processVars(ref BuildSettings dst, in Project project, in Package pack, BuildSettings settings, bool include_target_settings = false)
1107 {
1108 	dst.addDFlags(processVars(project, pack, settings.dflags));
1109 	dst.addLFlags(processVars(project, pack, settings.lflags));
1110 	dst.addLibs(processVars(project, pack, settings.libs));
1111 	dst.addSourceFiles(processVars(project, pack, settings.sourceFiles, true));
1112 	dst.addImportFiles(processVars(project, pack, settings.importFiles, true));
1113 	dst.addStringImportFiles(processVars(project, pack, settings.stringImportFiles, true));
1114 	dst.addCopyFiles(processVars(project, pack, settings.copyFiles, true));
1115 	dst.addVersions(processVars(project, pack, settings.versions));
1116 	dst.addDebugVersions(processVars(project, pack, settings.debugVersions));
1117 	dst.addImportPaths(processVars(project, pack, settings.importPaths, true));
1118 	dst.addStringImportPaths(processVars(project, pack, settings.stringImportPaths, true));
1119 	dst.addPreGenerateCommands(processVars(project, pack, settings.preGenerateCommands));
1120 	dst.addPostGenerateCommands(processVars(project, pack, settings.postGenerateCommands));
1121 	dst.addPreBuildCommands(processVars(project, pack, settings.preBuildCommands));
1122 	dst.addPostBuildCommands(processVars(project, pack, settings.postBuildCommands));
1123 	dst.addRequirements(settings.requirements);
1124 	dst.addOptions(settings.options);
1126 	if (include_target_settings) {
1127 		dst.targetType = settings.targetType;
1128 		dst.targetPath = processVars(settings.targetPath, project, pack, true);
1129 		dst.targetName = settings.targetName;
1130 		if (!settings.workingDirectory.empty)
1131 			dst.workingDirectory = processVars(settings.workingDirectory, project, pack, true);
1132 		if (settings.mainSourceFile.length)
1133 			dst.mainSourceFile = processVars(settings.mainSourceFile, project, pack, true);
1134 	}
1135 }
1137 private string[] processVars(in Project project, in Package pack, string[] vars, bool are_paths = false)
1138 {
1139 	auto ret = appender!(string[])();
1140 	processVars(ret, project, pack, vars, are_paths);
1141 	return ret.data;
1143 }
1144 private void processVars(ref Appender!(string[]) dst, in Project project, in Package pack, string[] vars, bool are_paths = false)
1145 {
1146 	foreach (var; vars) dst.put(processVars(var, project, pack, are_paths));
1147 }
1149 private string processVars(string var, in Project project, in Package pack, bool is_path)
1150 {
1151 	auto idx = std..string.indexOf(var, '$');
1152 	if (idx >= 0) {
1153 		auto vres = appender!string();
1154 		while (idx >= 0) {
1155 			if (idx+1 >= var.length) break;
1156 			if (var[idx+1] == '$') {
1157 				vres.put(var[0 .. idx+1]);
1158 				var = var[idx+2 .. $];
1159 			} else {
1160 				vres.put(var[0 .. idx]);
1161 				var = var[idx+1 .. $];
1163 				size_t idx2 = 0;
1164 				while( idx2 < var.length && isIdentChar(var[idx2]) ) idx2++;
1165 				auto varname = var[0 .. idx2];
1166 				var = var[idx2 .. $];
1168 				vres.put(getVariable(varname, project, pack));
1169 			}
1170 			idx = std..string.indexOf(var, '$');
1171 		}
1172 		vres.put(var);
1173 		var = vres.data;
1174 	}
1175 	if (is_path) {
1176 		auto p = Path(var);
1177 		if (!p.absolute) {
1178 			logDebug("Fixing relative path: %s ~ %s", pack.path.toNativeString(), p.toNativeString());
1179 			return (pack.path ~ p).toNativeString();
1180 		} else return p.toNativeString();
1181 	} else return var;
1182 }
1184 private string getVariable(string name, in Project project, in Package pack)
1185 {
1186 	if (name == "PACKAGE_DIR") return pack.path.toNativeString();
1187 	if (name == "ROOT_PACKAGE_DIR") return project.rootPackage.path.toNativeString();
1189 	if (name.endsWith("_PACKAGE_DIR")) {
1190 		auto pname = name[0 .. $-12];
1191 		foreach (prj; project.getTopologicalPackageList())
1192 			if (prj.name.toUpper().replace("-", "_") == pname)
1193 				return prj.path.toNativeString();
1194 	}
1196 	auto envvar = environment.get(name);
1197 	if (envvar !is null) return envvar;
1199 	throw new Exception("Invalid variable: "~name);
1200 }
1202 private bool isIdentChar(dchar ch)
1203 {
1204 	return ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '_';
1205 }
1207 string stripDlangSpecialChars(string s)
1208 {
1209 	import std.array;
1210 	import std.uni;
1211 	auto ret = appender!string();
1212 	foreach(ch; s)
1213 		ret.put(isIdentChar(ch) ? ch : '_');
1214 	return ret.data;
1215 }
1217 final class SelectedVersions {
1218 	private struct Selected {
1219 		Dependency dep;
1220 		//Dependency[string] packages;
1221 	}
1222 	private {
1223 		enum FileVersion = 1;
1224 		Selected[string] m_selections;
1225 		bool m_dirty = false; // has changes since last save
1226 	}
1228 	enum defaultFile = "dub.selections.json";
1230 	this() {}
1232 	this(Json data)
1233 	{
1234 		deserialize(data);
1235 		m_dirty = false;
1236 	}
1238 	this(Path path)
1239 	{
1240 		auto json = jsonFromFile(path);
1241 		deserialize(json);
1242 		m_dirty = false;
1243 	}
1245 	@property string[] selectedPackages() const { return m_selections.keys; }
1247 	@property bool dirty() const { return m_dirty; }
1249 	void clear()
1250 	{
1251 		m_selections = null;
1252 		m_dirty = true;
1253 	}
1255 	void set(SelectedVersions versions)
1256 	{
1257 		m_selections = versions.m_selections.dup;
1258 		m_dirty = true;
1259 	}
1261 	void selectVersion(string package_id, Version version_)
1262 	{
1263 		if (auto ps = package_id in m_selections) {
1264 			if (ps.dep == Dependency(version_))
1265 				return;
1266 		}
1267 		m_selections[package_id] = Selected(Dependency(version_)/*, issuer*/);
1268 		m_dirty = true;
1269 	}
1271 	void selectVersion(string package_id, Path path)
1272 	{
1273 		if (auto ps = package_id in m_selections) {
1274 			if (ps.dep == Dependency(path))
1275 				return;
1276 		}
1277 		m_selections[package_id] = Selected(Dependency(path));
1278 		m_dirty = true;
1279 	}
1281 	void deselectVersion(string package_id)
1282 	{
1283 		m_selections.remove(package_id);
1284 		m_dirty = true;
1285 	}
1287 	bool hasSelectedVersion(string packageId)
1288 	const {
1289 		return (packageId in m_selections) !is null;
1290 	}
1292 	Dependency getSelectedVersion(string packageId)
1293 	const {
1294 		enforce(hasSelectedVersion(packageId));
1295 		return m_selections[packageId].dep;
1296 	}
1298 	void save(Path path)
1299 	{
1300 		Json json = serialize();
1301 		auto file = openFile(path, FileMode.CreateTrunc);
1302 		scope(exit) file.close();
1303 		file.writePrettyJsonString(json);
1304 		file.put('\n');
1305 		m_dirty = false;
1306 	}
1308 	static Json dependencyToJson(Dependency d)
1309 	{
1310 		if (d.path.empty) return Json(d.version_.toString());
1311 		else return serializeToJson(["path": d.path.toString()]);
1312 	}
1314 	static Dependency dependencyFromJson(Json j)
1315 	{
1316 		if (j.type == Json.Type..string)
1317 			return Dependency(Version(j.get!string));
1318 		else if (j.type == Json.Type.object)
1319 			return Dependency(Path(j.path.get!string));
1320 		else throw new Exception(format("Unexpected type for dependency: %s", j.type));
1321 	}
1323 	Json serialize()
1324 	const {
1325 		Json json = serializeToJson(m_selections);
1326 		Json serialized = Json.emptyObject;
1327 		serialized.fileVersion = FileVersion;
1328 		serialized.versions = Json.emptyObject;
1329 		foreach (p, v; m_selections)
1330 			serialized.versions[p] = dependencyToJson(v.dep);
1331 		return serialized;
1332 	}
1334 	private void deserialize(Json json)
1335 	{
1336 		enforce(cast(int)json["fileVersion"] == FileVersion, "Mismatched dub.select.json version: " ~ to!string(cast(int)json["fileVersion"]) ~ "vs. " ~to!string(FileVersion));
1337 		clear();
1338 		scope(failure) clear();
1339 		foreach (string p, v; json.versions)
1340 			m_selections[p] = Selected(dependencyFromJson(v));
1341 	}
1342 }